Name of Child Care Centre: TURTLE CLUB DAY CARE
Date Policy and Procedures Established: APRIL 2004
Date Policy and Procedures Updated: 2017
The purpose of this policy is to provide clear direction for staff and licensees to follow to deal with emergency situations. The procedures set out steps for staff to follow to support the safety and well-being of everyone involved.
Clear policies and procedures will support all individuals to manage responses and responsibilities during an emergency, resulting in the safest outcomes possible.
All-Clear: A notification from an authority that a threat and/or disaster no longer pose a danger and it is deemed safe to return to the child care premises and/or resume normal operations.
Authority: A person or entity responsible for providing direction during an emergency situation (e.g. emergency services personnel, the licensee).
Emergency: An urgent or pressing situation where immediate action is required to ensure the safety of children and adults in attendance. These include situations that may not affect the whole child care centre (e.g. child-specific incidents) and where 911 is called.
Emergency Services Personnel: persons responsible for ensuring public safety and mitigating activities in an emergency (e.g. law enforcement, fire departments, emergency medical services, rescue services).
Evacuation Site: the designated off-site location where shelter is obtained during an emergency. The evacuation site is used when it is deemed unsafe to be at or return to the child care centre.
Licensee: The individual or agency licensed by the Ministry of Education responsible for the operation and management of each child care centre it operates (i.e. the operator).
Meeting Place: the designated safe place near the child care centre where everyone is to initially gather before proceeding to the evacuation site, or returning to the child care centre if evacuation is not necessary.
Staff: Individual employed by the licensee (e.g. program staff, supervisor).
Unsafe to Return: A notification from an authority that a threat and/or disaster continue to pose a danger and it is unsafe to return to the child care premises.
Staff will follow the emergency response procedures outlined in this document by following these three phases:
Immediate Emergency Response;
Next Steps during an Emergency; and
Staff will ensure that children are kept safe, are accounted for and are supervised at all times during an emergency situation.
For situations that require evacuation of the child care centre, the meeting place to gather immediately will be located at:
If it is deemed ‘unsafe to return’ to the child care centre, the evacuation site to proceed to is located at:
Note: all directions given by emergency services personnel will be followed under all circumstances, including directions to evacuate to locations different than those listed above.
For any emergency situations involving a child with an individualized plan in place, the procedures in the child’s individualized plan will be followed.
If any emergency situations happen that are not described in this document, LINDA BOLTON, will provide direction to staff for the immediate response and next steps. Staff will follow the direction given.
If any emergency situations result in a serious occurrence, the serious occurrence policy and procedures will also be followed.
All emergency situations will be documented in detail by LINDA BOLTON in the daily written record.
PHASE 1: Immediate Emergency Response:
Emergency Situation
Roles and Responsibilities
When a threat is on, very near, or inside the child care centre. E.g. a suspicious individual in the building who is posing a threat.
The staff member who becomes aware of the threat must inform all other staff of the threat as quickly and safely as possible.
Staff members who are outdoors must ensure everyone who is outdoors proceeds to a safe location.
Staff inside the child care centre must:
remain calm;
gather all children and move them away from doors and windows;
take children’s attendance to confirm all children are accounted for;
take shelter in closets and/or under furniture with the children, if appropriate;
keep children calm;
ensure children remain in the sheltered space;
turn off/mute all cellular phones; and
wait for further instructions
4. If possible, staff inside the program room(s) should also:
close all window coverings and doors;
barricade the room door;
gather emergency medication; and
join the rest of the group for shelter.
5. LINDA BOLTON Will immediately:
close and lock all child care centre entrance/exit doors, if possible; and
take shelter.
Note: only emergency service personnel are allowed to enter or exit the child care centre during a lockdown.
Emergency Situation
Roles and Responsibilities
Hold & Secure
When a threat is in the general vicinity of the child care centre, but not on or inside the child care premises. E.g. a shooting at a nearby building.
The staff member who becomes aware of the external threat must inform all other staff of the threat as quickly and safely as possible.
Staff members who are outdoors must ensure everyone returns to their program room(s) immediately.
Staff in the program room must immediately:
remain calm;
take children’s attendance to confirm all children are accounted for;
close all window coverings and windows in the program room;
continue normal operations of the program; and
wait for further instructions.
LINDA BOLTON must immediately:
close and lock all entrances/exits of the child care centre;
close all blinds and windows outside of the program rooms; and
place a note on the external doors with instructions that no one may enter or exit the child care centre.
Note: only emergency services personnel are allowed to enter or exit the centre during a hold and secure
Emergency Situation
Roles and Responsibilities
Bomb Threat
A threat to detonate an explosive device to cause property damage, death, or injuries E.g. phone call bomb threat, receipt of a suspicious package.
The staff member who becomes aware of the threat or LINDA BOLTON must:
remain calm;
call 911 if emergency services is not yet aware of the situation;
follow the directions of emergency services personnel; and
take children’s attendance to confirm all children are accounted for.
A. Where the threat is received by telephone, the person on the phone should try to keep the suspect on the line as long as possible while another individual calls 911 and communicates with emergency services personnel.
B. Where the threat is received in the form of a suspicious package, staff must ensure that no one approaches or touches the package at any time.
Emergency Situation
Roles and Responsibilities
Disaster Requiring Evacuation
A serious incident that affects the physical building and requires everyone to leave the premises. E.g. fire, flood, power failure.
The staff member who becomes aware of the disaster must inform all other staff of the incident and that the centre must be evacuated, as quickly and safely as possible. If the disaster is a fire, the fire alarm pull station must be used and staff must follow the centre’s fire evacuation procedures.
Staff must immediately:
remain calm;
gather all children, the attendance record, children’s emergency contact information any emergency medication;
exit the building with the children using the nearest safe exit, bringing children’s outdoor clothing (if possible) according to weather conditions;
escort children to the meeting place; and
take children’s attendance to confirm all children are accounted for;
keep children calm; and
wait for further instructions.
3. If possible, staff should also:
take a first aid kit; and
gather all non-emergency medications.
4. Designated staff will:
help any individuals with medical and/or special needs who need assistance to go to the meeting place (in accordance with the procedure in a child’s individualized plan, if the individual is a child); and
in doing so, follow the instructions posted on special needs equipment or assistive devices during the evacuation.
If individuals cannot be safely assisted to exit the building, the designated staff will assist them to THE MAIN OFFICE AND LINDA BOLTON will ensure their required medication is accessible, if applicable; and wait for further instructions
5. If possible, the site designate must conduct a walk-through of the child care centre to verify that everyone has exited the building and secure any windows or
doors, unless otherwise directed by emergency services personnel.
Emergency Situation
Roles and Responsibilities
Disaster – External Environmental Threat
An incident outside of the building that may have adverse effects on persons in the child care centre. E.g. gas leak, oil spill, chemical release, forest fire, nuclear emergency.
The staff member who becomes aware of the external environmental threat must inform all other staff of the threat as quickly and safely as possible and, according to directions from emergency services personnel, advise whether to remain on site or evacuate the premises.
If remaining on site:
Staff members who are outdoors with children must ensure everyone who is outdoors returns to their program room immediately.
Staff must immediately:
remain calm;
take children’s attendance to confirm all children are accounted for;
close all program room windows and all doors that lead outside (where applicable);
seal off external air entryways located in the program rooms (where applicable);
continue with normal operations of the program; and
wait for further instructions.
seal off external air entryways not located in program rooms (where applicable);
place a note on all external doors with instructions that no one may enter or exit the child care centre until further notice; and
turn off all air handling equipment (i.e. heating, ventilation and/or air conditioning, where applicable).
If emergency services personnel otherwise direct the child care centre to evacuate, follow the procedures outlined in the “Disaster Requiring Evacuation” section of this policy.
Emergency Situation
Roles and Responsibilities
Natural Disaster: Tornado / Tornado Warning
The staff member who becomes aware of the tornado or tornado warning must inform all other staff as quickly and safely as possible.
Staff members who are outdoors with children must ensure everyone who is outdoors returns to their program room(s) immediately.
Staff must immediately:
remain calm;
gather all children;
go to the basement or take shelter in small interior ground floor rooms such as washrooms, closets or hallways;
take children’s attendance to confirm all children are accounted for;
remain and keep children away from windows, doors and exterior walls;
keep children calm;
conduct ongoing visual checks of the children; and
wait for further instructions.
Emergency Situation
Roles and Responsibilities
Natural Disaster:
Major Earthquake
1. Staff in the program room must immediately:
remain calm;
instruct children to find shelter under a sturdy desk or table and away from unstable structures;
ensure that everyone is away from windows and outer walls;
help children who require assistance to find shelter;
for individuals in wheelchairs, lock the wheels and instruct the individual to duck as low as possible, and use a strong article (e.g. shelf, hard book, etc.) to protect their head and neck;
find safe shelter for themselves;
visually assess the safety of all children.; and
wait for the shaking to stop.
2. Staff members who are outdoors with children must immediately ensure that everyone outdoors stays away from buildings, power lines, trees, and other tall structures that may collapse, and wait for the shaking to stop.
3. Once the shaking stops, staff must:
gather the children, their emergency cards and emergency medication; and
exit the building through the nearest safe exit, where possible, in case of aftershock or damage to the building.
4. If possible, prior to exiting the building, staff should also:
take a first aid kit; and
gather all non-emergency medications.
5. Individuals who have exited the building must gather at the meeting place and wait for further instructions.
6. Designated staff will:
help any individuals with medical and/or special needs who need assistance to go to the meeting place (in accordance with the procedure in a child’s individualized plan, if the individual is a child); and
in doing so, follow the instructions posted on special needs equipment or assistive devices during the evacuation.
If individuals cannot be safely assisted to exit the building, the designated staff will assist them to THE THE MAIN OFFICE and ensure their required medication is accessible, if applicable; and
wait for further instructions.
7. The site designate must conduct a walkthrough of the child care centre to ensure all individuals have evacuated, where possible.
Additional Procedures for Immediate Emergency Response
Judy Grant (Cook) will help in the infant room, if she is not needed she will proceed to the toddler room.
PHASE 2: Next Steps During the Emergency
Where emergency services personnel are not already aware of the situation, LINDA BOLTON must notify emergency services personnel (911) of the emergency as soon as possible.
Where the child care centre has been evacuated, emergency services must be notified of individuals remaining inside the building, where applicable.
If the licensee is not already on site, the site designate must contact the licensee to inform them of the emergency situation and the current status, once it is possible and safe to do so.
List of Emergency Contact Persons:
Local Police Department: 911
Ambulance: 911
Local Fire Services: 911
Site Supervisor: LINDA BOLTON (905) 650-1250
Licensee Contact(s): ELENA GRANT (905) 521-7633
Child Care Centre Site Designate: CRYSTAL AITCHESON (905) 380-7228
4. Where any staff, students and/or volunteers are not on site, LINDA BOLTON must notify these individuals of the situation,
and instruct them to proceed directly to the evacuation site if it is not safe or practical for them return to the child care
5. LINDA BOLTON must wait for further instructions from emergency services personnel. Once instructions are received, they
must communicate the instructions to staff and ensure they are followed.
6. Throughout the emergency, staff will:
help keep children calm;
take attendance to ensure that all children are accounted for;
conduct ongoing visual checks and head counts of children;
maintain constant supervision of the children; and
engage children in activities, where possible.
7. In situations where injuries have been sustained, staff with first aid training will assist with administering first aid. Staff
must inform emergency personnel of severe injuries requiring immediate attention and assistance.
8.a Procedures to Follow when an "All-clear" is given:
The individual who receives the ‘all-clear’ from an authority must inform all staff that the ‘all-clear’ has been given and that it is safe to return to the child care centre.
Designated staff who have assisted individuals with medical and/or special needs with exiting the building will assist and accompany these individuals with returning to the child care centre.
Staff must:
take attendance to ensure all children are accounted for;
escort children back to their program room(s), where applicable;
take attendance upon returning to the program room(s) to ensure that all children are accounted for; where applicable; and
re-open closed/sealed blinds, windows and doors.
4. LINDA BOLTON will determine if operations will resume and
communicate this decision to staff.
Communication with parents/guardians
As soon as possible, LINDALINBOLTON LINDA BOLTON must notify parents/guardians of the emergency situation and that the all clear has been given.
Where disasters have occurred that did not require evacuation of the child care centre BOLTONLINDA BOLTON must provide a notice of the incident to parents/guardians by EMAIL OR BY PHONE.
If normal operations do not resume the same day that an emergency situation has taken place, LINDALINDA BOLTON must provide parents/guardians with information as to when and how normal operations will resume as soon as this is determined.
8.b. Procedures to Follow when "Unsafe to Return" Notification is given:
The individual who receives the ‘unsafe to return’ notification from an authority must inform all staff of this direction and instruct them to proceed from the meeting place to the evacuation site, or the site determined by emergency services personnel.
Staff must take attendance to confirm that all children are accounted for, and escort children to the evacuation site.
Designated staff who have assisted individuals with medical and/or special needs with exiting the building will assist and accompany these individuals to the evacuation site.
LINDALINDA BOLTON will post a note for parents/guardians on the child care centre entrance with information on the evacuation site, where it is possible and safe to do so.
Upon arrival at the evacuation site, staff must:
remain calm;
take attendance to ensure all children are accounted for;
help keep children calm;
engage children in activities, where possible;
conduct ongoing visual checks and head counts of children;
maintain constant supervision of the children;
keep attendance as children are picked up by their parents, guardians or authorized pick-up persons; and
remain at the evacuation site until all children have been picked up.
Communication with parents/guardians
Upon arrival at the emergency evacuation site, LINDA BOLTON will notify parents/guardians of the emergency situation, evacuation and the location to pick up their children.
Where possible, LINDA BOLTON will update the child care centre’s voicemail box as soon as possible to inform parents/guardians that the child care centre has been evacuated, and include the details of the evacuation site location and contact information in the message.
Additional Procedures for Next Steps During an Emergency
LINDA BOLTON will document all events that happen and injuries that might have occurred. A list of snacks and drinks will be recorded as well. A grand total of children and adults will be taken and each child signed out once they are picked up. All staff will remain on hand until all the children are picked up safely.
PHASE 3: Recovery (After an emergency situation has ended)
Procedures for Resuming Normal Operations
E.g. where, applicable, reopening the child care centre, contacting the Ministry of Education Program Advisor, responding to media and community inquiries, contacting the insurance company, informing the caterer, temporarily relocating, etc.
The Day Care will re open when it is safe to do so. Parents will be contacted by phone. Program advisor will be notified as well. Linda Bolton will take care of all media and community inquires. If it is a lengthy closure, Linda Bolton will decide relocating options.
Procedures for Providing Support to Children and Staff who Experience Distress
If a counselor is needed, Linda Bolton will arrange for support.
Procedures for Debriefing Staff, Children and Parents/ Guardians
Include, where, applicable, details about when and how the debrief(s) will take place, etc.
LINDA BOLTON must debrief staff, children and parents/guardians after the emergency. A formal meeting will be set up giving date, time and place following the emergency. They will be notified by email.